About the Project
The City of Carmel Utilities has been replacing aging water meters across the community with new, enhanced equipment allowing for more accurate readings and better water efficiency. The project, which began September 2021 is replacing approximately 29,000 meters, which have become less effective and accurate due to old age.
Many of Carmel’s meters are over 18 years old and, in some cases, 30 years old. By replacing customers meters with this new advanced water meter technology, Carmel Utilities is able to better serve water customers with more accurate data on water consumption and detect and stop leaks in a timely manner.
Funded by an $8 million revenue bond, additional revenue and reduction in expenses due to the new meters results in the project paying for itself without the need to raise resident’s rates. Now that the project is nearly completed, Carmel Utilities is making appointments to install the new Neptune water meters in areas where meters are located in interior locations.
By replacing entire routes of water meters with the new infrastructure, the project also eliminates the need to send staff to record meter readings. Eighty-five percent of current meters are direct read, with staff going to each homeowner’s meter and walking approximately 7-10 miles per day outside in any type of weather. While a meter reader in the field can read an average of 375 meters a day, the new technology allows meter readings at 350 meters per minute via radio frequency collected on a computer within the Carmel Utilities office. It’s important to note that current meter readers are reallocated into other positions within Carmel Utilities and will not lose their jobs.